Happiness in the heart of Epsom

Our Epsom nursery location close to the train station couldn’t be more convenient for parents travelling to work.

And you will go to work knowing your child will be safe and happy in our beautiful, spacious, caring, happy environment.

Fully equipped with a smart board, frequently replaced toys, fresh, updated furnishings and resources, your children will also be able to run off steam in our garden and indoor soft play.

For babies, our separate baby centre offers a calm environment, lovely cot room and the provision of food and formula.

Learning through play

Our children are always playing, always exploring, always learning. From the moment they join us, they start their own little journey, and we do everything to make it a happy one. As well as socialising with their friends, our open plan style buildings are cleverly designed so children can see what’s going on around them and be inspired by other age groups.

Children are carefully observed by our attentive staff, with observations noted and compiled into a comprehensive learning journey so you can see what your child has enjoyed and achieved in their time with us.

Even food can be fun!

We take a fresh and fun approach to food preparation and mealtimes. Our staff eat with the children and our on-site chef can often be spotted in the garden chatting with children about their likes and dislikes. We also plant in our garden, all adding to the children’s understanding of how we get our food.

Where possible we invite in parents from different cultures to share and speak about festivals and food, including Chinese New Year and Diwali.

Having meals prepared on-site means we’re well able to handle dietary requirements.

Keeping you in the loop

In addition to your learning journey, you’ll receive a daily diary of feedback, newsletters, and invites to parent’s evenings. With a quick glance around at drop off, you’ll spot menus, planning sheets and children’s ‘wow moments’ all on display.

Your nursery manager and our nursery owner are always accessible and happy to speak with you about any questions you may have.

Even more to experience

We’re always looking to add to the fun and broaden the experience of our little ones.

Children love nature, so our regular visits from Zoo Lab are always a hit. And we love the ‘oohs and aahs’ when our little fluffy ducklings are born.

Our pre-schoolers have access to a regular visit from a Spanish teacher and all children get to practice their groovy moves in on-site dance classes with Inspire Academy of Dance.

Opening Hours:

Mon–Fri: 7:30am-6:00pm


01372 877863

Nursery Address:

21 West St, Epsom KT18 7RL

Ofsted Report

At Shapes we love counting to ten! And here’s our top ten reasons to join us.

  1. Ongoing re-investment in our buildings, facilities, play equipment, furnishings, learning resources and toys
  2. Well-trained, well-supported long-term staff who enjoy working as part of our team
  3. Small family business, enabling you easy and quick access to nursery managers and our nursery owner when you need it, and ongoing communication and updates on your child’s welfare and learning journey
  4. Fantastic settings in large, spacious airy heritage buildings, with facilities including soft plays, gardens, exciting play equipment and extra-curricular activities, for the ultimate varied, healthy and fun-packed day
  5. Separate baby centres and cot rooms, for maximum safety, comfort and care
  6. Strong focus on learning through play and supporting pre-schoolers with their transition towards school
  7. A culture of celebrating and sharing children’s lovely creations, with eye-level displays of children’s work for them all to enjoy
  8. Building fun into independence with children having their own pegs, trays and space
  9. A positive, happy approach to eating, with our chefs visible to the children and meals linked to growing fresh produce in the garden
  10. We love a happy ending! A ‘graduation ceremony’, leaver’s party and leaver’s outing when it’s time for our bigger children to go to school

Here are some quotes from Ofsted about our nurseries.

“The owner and manager are highly motivated and inspiring leaders. They work exceptionally well together, and support and lead a dedicated staff team who shares their passion and enthusiasm. They work extremely hard to maintain and keep improving the high quality of practice“.

“Children develop exceptionally strong bonds with staff from the start. Staff are especially caring and sensitive to the children’s needs and personal situations. They offer limitless reassurance, comfort and support to children and families when required. Parents refer to the staff team as being like ‘family’“.

“Staff have an excellent knowledge of how children learn and develop. They are highly skilled at recognising children’s individual needs and interests, and create inspiring and challenging experiences that focus on children’s learning”.

“Children make exceptionally high levels of progress from their starting points. Their achievements and development link to the typical developmental stages for their age and often exceed planned targets. Children are developing and practising highly impressive skills, which supports their future learning”.

“Children are highly respected and listened to. They confidently arrive at the nursery, eager to join in and chat to the staff and their friends. Children are developing highly impressive social skills. For example, they consistently support and listen to each other as they share resources and experiences”.

The baby unit is exceptionally well led and organised. Staff plan and provide highly stimulating activities for babies that they thoroughly enjoy. Babies sleep comfortably at times consistent with their home routines, are exceedingly well settled and form strong emotional attachments to their designated member of staff”.

A non-refundable registration fee of £100 will be required to register your child and £100 deposit to secure a place in the nursery.

The £100 deposit will be deducted from your last month’s fees when your child leaves the nursery.

One calendar month's notice is required in writing if you wish to withdraw your child from the nursery.

Fees are payable on a weekly or calendar monthly basis.

We accept payments from childcare voucher schemes and Tax Free Childcare.

Free Early Education sessions are available.

All fees are inclusive of all meals, snacks and formula milks.

Epsom Sept 23 Fee Sheet

Safe, secure and happy

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.

At Shapes Day Nursery, we provide fun, interesting and age-appropriate activities and resources which support children to learn and develop in the seven areas outlined by the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Individual care

We consider the individual needs, interests and stage of development of each child in our care and use observations, written and photographic, to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child. We aim to work in partnership with parents to promote the learning and development of all children in our care and ensure they are ready for school. Each child is assigned a key person. They will ensure every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs, help the child become familiar with the setting and build a relationship with you.

Delivering on early years learning and development

There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas are communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development.

Providers must also support children in four further specific areas, through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied. These are literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation Stage, visit www.foundationyears.org.uk

Shapes Day Nursery offers both full and part time sessions for children aged 0 - 5 years.

The Nursery is open from 7.30am – 6.00pm, Monday - Friday.

Sessions are from 7.30am - 1.00pm or 1.00pm – 6.00pm.

The nursery is open all year round closing only on bank holidays and between Christmas and the New Year.

Shapes Day Nursery’s policy is to provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment for all children, staff and visitors.

All staff are first aid trained.

There are set procedures for administering medicines, fire evacuation and in the event of an accident.

Risk assessments are in place to enable us to identify and reduce any potential risks within the nursery.

Regular fire drills will be carried out with dates and times recorded.

The nursery has high security with a video entry system and procedures in place to ensure that your child is not released to any other person other than yourself or a person authorised by you.

All food is prepared on the nursery premises and the Nursery Cook and the Nursery Manager work together to carefully plan and update the menus.

All the meals are well balanced and nutritious also catering for any special dietary requirements as well as a vegetarian alternative.

All children and staff sit together at meal times promoting social development, good eating habits and table manners.

We follow a six-weekly menu, and these are displayed on the notice boards. We provide the following meals:

8.00am: Breakfast

10.00am: Mid-morning snack

12.00pm: Cooked lunch and pudding

2.00pm: Mid-afternoon snack

4.00pm: Tea

Please see our Sample Menu here.

All children’s individual nutritional requirements will be discussed during their first day induction meeting with their child's key person.

At least 60% of our staff team are professionally childcare trained and the other 40% experienced in working with children and working towards a qualification in childcare and an ongoing training programme. We ensure that the correct staff ratios are maintained at all times.

Staff Ratios


2 - 3 YEARS 1:4

3 - 5 YEARS 1:8

All Shapes staff have an enhanced DBS check and two employment references are taken before they join our Shapes team.

Book A Tour

If you would like to arrange a tour of our Epsom day nursery, please complete the form below. You can also call us on 01372 877863.

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What our parents say...

"I’m so pleased to have found Shapes as it always felt to me to be much friendlier than a nursery in a big chain. Both my children have been/are very happy there."
"We are massive advocates of Shapes, we have nothing but positive feedback to give. You've all helped us raise a confident, happy independent little girl."
"Last week, when I arrived to collect Alfie, I could hear his laughter, well before I could see him. It was so lovely to hear how genuinely happy he was well before I could actually see him. Your staff go to great lengths to make sure he is both content and entertained."